Income For Life 

AMY: Hi, Amy here…

See this $500 in my hands?

By the end of this broadcast, you could claim it.

Right now, I’m sitting next to legendary trader and former hedge fund manager, Jack Carter…

The man who has worked with tens of thousands of folks, across 40 different countries…

And after being trained on Wall Street, moving billions of dollars as a Nasdaq market maker…

Today - he’s on a special mission unlike anything he’s ever done before.

It’s a brand new nationwide initiative he’s calling “Income For Life” …

And the goals are clear…

Today, he’s aiming to take 100 people - folks from all walks of life - and show them a step-by-step method targeting an extra $500 in income every week…

That’s millions of people Amy.

AMY: It’s horrible what’s happening right now…

JACK: It really is… Imagine working your tail off for forty years…

And there was FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel - it would all be worth it…

Then bam - at the snap of a finger… Inflation forces you back to the cubicle to cover the bills.

The fact is everyday Americans, young or old, are absolutely starved for income right now…

So I got together with my team to see if there was some way we could help…

And after months of intense research and development, we came up with Income For Life…

The brand new initiative to show Americans just how to target $500 a week in hard cold cash…


Just like what happened in September…

AMY: Right after your perfect month of August, where you went four for four?

JACK: Yep - except this month was even better…

AMY: Walk us through it…

JACK: Let’s imagine the same thing… Imagine $10,000 invested…

Now, in the month of September, things were TWICE as bad for the average Joe.

It seemed like everything was falling from the sky…

The S&P 500, the Dow Jones, the Nasdaq, you name it…

They were all heading into new lows.

AMY: I’m sure folks saw their portfolio’s drop by tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars…

All while watching things like gasoline for your car…

The electricity for your house…

Heck even eggs at the supermarket all jump in cost!

JACK: Money was vanishing faster than we’ve seen since 2008…

If you had invested in the ole-trusty S&P, you’d be down almost $1,000 by the end of the month.

But with my “2-Step Trade” it was a totally different story. Night and day.

AMY: Well, let’s start with the first trade…

JACK: Sure thing… This first week was the beginning of the market tumble…

I’m sure a lot of investors were panicking, watching their blood pressure skyrocket…

But with the method I’ll teach you today, it really didn’t matter to me.

Actually, you probably would have caught me out fishing with my grandson on the Frying Pan River, just outside of Aspen, Colorado where I like to enjoy my summers…

Because sure enough… 

By the end of the week, you could have been collecting an extra $525 in cash.

AMY: All while the markets fell?

JACK: That’s right… Then onto the next.

Week two.

By Friday, anyone following along could have walked away with $416 on the week.

I’m sure no one would turn their noses up at that…

JACK: The following week - it was even better…

While I always aim to lock in $500 a week in income - on average - this week was even bigger.

JACK: That’s why I’m so excited about this brand new initiative…

And it’s why I’m on a mission…

To show 100 people today exactly how they could use this technique for themselves…

Step-by-step. Starting right now.

AMY: Well, you showed us how folks had the opportunity to make $11,404 in a single month is a serious gamechanger…

It definitely sounds like something I want to try myself.

But I want to get more specifics… How are people going to get this income each month?

Do they have to buy stocks… bonds... options? What?

JACK: No, you don’t have to buy a thing. That’s why I love this.

We’re just using the income technique I learned on Wall Street, with a few clicks of the mouse.

See, Wall Street wants you to think that you can’t collect that much income per month without their help.

But I’m about to show you 
it’s so much easier than you think.

Regular folks can learn the powerful income strategy that the financial elite have been using for years… in just a couple minutes’ time.

All you need is a brokerage account and a computer, tablet or smartphone to start using it.

And once you learn how to use it, anyone could start using the “2-Step Trade” to target $500, on average, each and every week.

Just like what came next…

The first week of October… $416 while the S&P went nowhere…

AMY: I’m starting to really fall in love with this “2-Step Trade”...

I mean, it seems like there’s no risk at all… Can you even lose?

JACK: Of course you can… No strategy wins all of the time - that’s why you should never invest more than you could afford to lose…

My goal is to do everything in my power to help limit losses.

Afterall, who wants to place losing trades?

And thanks to a risk-cutting trick I discovered nearly TEN years ago…

I’m happy to report that of the 52 weekly income trades I sent out last year…

Only one resulted in a loss.

AMY: Timeout. In the WORST market since the Great Recession… You only had ONE loser?

JACK: That’s right. And the year before that - 2021 - it was the same exact story.

52 trades, only 1 didn’t work out.

AMY: No wonder your hedge fund never had a down month…

JACK: And it was WAY harder when I was actively running the fund…

Back then, you had to call in to a broker to get the order placed…

Now, you can do it from the palm of your hand, and the trade will fill almost instantly.

AMY: So what’s the secret?

JACK: The secret is simple.

It’s all in taking these high probability “2-Step Trades” over, and over again.

Amy, my team and I spent weeks refining this income technique to ensure that the regular Joe has the tools to target thousands of dollars of income every month…

The “2-Step Trade” is specifically tailored for folks from all walks of life - whether you’re a Wall Street vet like myself or have no investing or trading experience at all…

Absolutely anyone can learn how to use this technique… and do it anywhere… at any time.

And depending on how much folks start with… This “2-Step Trade” has shown the power to put you on the path to collect 
$525… $1,050… even $2,100 by the time Friday hits.

AMY: That’s definitely a needle moving amount of cash, no doubt about it.

JACK: Agreed. And please understand, this technique is NOT about gambling on home runs.

It’s about a realistic, proven strategy that has allowed folks the opportunity to collect income on a weekly basis.

And I think folks will be surprised at how fast these regular income payments can add up.

AMY: Well, Jack, you’re not wrong…

In fact - some of your top students have been raving about this “2-Step Trade”...

Like Weibin W. who wrote in…

“100% win rate. It’s been a great experience with this income alert, thanks!”

Or how about Laura P. who has seen a real impact with your help…

She said:

“I am now bringing in a minimum of $3,100 in premiums every week into my account and I think my biggest week was just under $7,000 of premiums in one week”

JACK: It’s those types of stories that keep me going…

But before we move on - I want to be very, very clear.

Based on my research, you won’t be able to get these types of steady returns ANYWHERE else.

AMY: What do you mean?

JACK: Let’s take a look at the stock market.

Most financial advisors or the local finance guru in your town might lead you to think that the only way to hit your retirement goals is to stash money away into a trusty S&P fund or mutual fund and hope it grows enough for you to be able to retire…

But that’s just not getting the job done anymore…

AMY: Really? I thought that - historically speaking - the traditional retirement method has worked pretty well?

JACK: Not really, that’s one of the biggest myths out there…

Just look at the numbers… At 6% annually, it would take 41 years for a pretty sizable $100,000 invested to hit a million bucks.

AMY: 41 years? That’s a really long time.

JACK: And a recent study by Citizens Bank suggests that you’ll need a whole lot more than just $1 million…

In fact - with ever rising cost of living and everyday expenses…

They suggest having as much as $1.8 million just to retire comfortably.

AMY: That’s nearly TWICE as much needed…

JACK: It would take more than fifty years to accomplish that…

AMY: Oh my gosh… That’s over half a century… I mean, maybe it makes sense if you’re just now in your early 20’s getting started…

But even then you’d be working well into your 70’s before you had enough to retire…

JACK: It’s only gotten harder for folks as time rolls on…

Luckily, with the “2-Step Trade” - across the winners and the losers - every single week, I’m averaging nearly as much as the annual S&P 500 return…

To put a number on it, this method has been able to stack up gains thirty times faster than the average annual S&P 500 return…

JACK: Week after week.

AMY: And each one could have paid right around that $500 per week goal…

It’s pretty clear to see how this could really snowball and make a big, BIG impact over time…

JACK: This “2-Step Trade” is the only way I know that has consistently outperformed the stock market…

And created a steady stream of income, week after week.

That’s why today, I’m embarking on this new project “Income For Life”...

Because now, more so than ever, people need a way to catch up…

With the cost of living going up…

Folks are doing ANYTHING to gain some extra income…

Steady income, where they don’t have to worry about another year of downwards stock market.

That’s why we’re watching as TRILLIONS of dollars are fleeing the stock market and flooding into “high yield savings accounts”…

AMY: Another $525 by Friday.

It sounds like this Income For Life project can finally give folks the chance to stop worrying about having enough cash all the time..

Imagine what a huge relief that could be…

Okay Jack…

It’s time to spill the beans…

Why don’t you tell us precisely what this income secret is…

Right now it sounds as if this money magically just appears out of thin air.

I know there must be more to it than that…

JACK: No, money is definitely not going to fall from the sky…

You’ll need a computer with an internet connection and a brokerage account.

And as I’ll show you, you can do it with a few clicks of a mouse…

It doesn’t require buying a stock, bond, or ETF…

In fact, it doesn’t require you to buy anything at all.

AMY: So what is it exactly?

JACK: Well, the secret behind this income technique lies in taking advantage of a little-known niche within the options market.

AMY: Let me stop you there for a second…

I know what some people out there are probably thinking…

“Aren’t options risky?”

JACK: Well, they can be.

But only if you use them the way most folks do.

Most people think of BUYING options when they talk about options.

And BUYING options can be risky…

It’s how speculators leverage large sums of money hoping that a stock moves in the “right” direction over a certain period of time.

The problem is - they don’t always pay off when you buy them.

In fact, a contributing writer at the Financial Post studied options extensively…

And he discovered that 
up to 95% of all options buyers actually LOSE money on their trades at expiration - even if they’re right about the underlying move!

AMY: That means most investors who buy options are completely wasting their money…

JACK: That’s right, but a lot of folks don’t realize that there’s another way to play the game…

AMY: A different way of trading? A better way?

JACK: Yes! You see, options are a zero-sum game.

Meaning when the option buyer loses, the seller wins.

So in an ideal world, if BUYING options loses 95% of the time…

Then it stands to reason that SELLING the options would let you win 95% of the time.

That’s helped you compile a 97.1% win rate?

JACK: Exactly right…

Essentially, we’re selling options to speculators.

To make things simple… I tell my readers to think of it like Las Vegas…

When you’re BUYING options, you’re the gambler pulling the slot machine hoping for a big win.

But when you’re SELLING options you switch sides…

You go from being the sucker just waiting to lose money to becoming the “house” and collecting money from almost every transaction.

And that’s exactly what has helped me to have been able to collect consistent income with this technique.

Believe me… in all my years of trading I’ve never seen anything like this.

And no, this has nothing to do with risky naked options…

And like I’ll show you in just a moment, collecting this weekly income isn’t any harder than shooting a layup.

It doesn’t matter where you live… or who you have a brokerage account with… or how much experience you have in the markets…

You just have to know which trades to place…

And I’m going to show you everything you need to know to start using this groundbreaking income tool today.

See, I’ve put together an “Income For Life” step-by-step video series to show you exactly how you can start targeting these payouts from the stock market today.

It includes the full details on the “2-Step Trade”... so you start using this technique in  your account today.

I’d like to send it to the folks out there for FREE today…

I definitely want to hear more about that…

But first…

You’ve said this technique is something you could do over and over again…

That means there must be even more income opportunities ready to grab as we speak, right?

JACK: Absolutely… As a matter of fact…

Let me show you right now…

And I’ll even place a very real trade before your eyes so you can decide for yourself just how difficult placing the trade really is…

Here we go….

Alright, let me pull up ThinkorSwim…

AMY: Of course, any regular brokerage account will do the job, right?

JACK: Yep. In fact the government allows this strategy  to be used in retirement accounts…

So - first - let me go to Amazon’s ticker… That’s my favorite company to use this trick on.

Next - let me scroll down to the option I want to sell…

There it is.

Now, let me toggle my order to SELL the options instead of BUYING.

AMY: Like being the house running the slot machine…

Not the sucker pulling the lever…

JACK: That’s exactly right… And there you see it… $500 on the dot.

That’s the premium we collected for the “2-Step Trade”.  

And, if everything works out as planned, that’s how much I could collect by this Friday.

AMY: Wait, that’s it?

JACK: That’s it. I’ll just send the order off, then back to my normal day.

AMY: Jack, that didn’t even take a full minute…

JACK: It doesn’t have to…

And after a few weeks of doing this, it’ll become almost second nature - a piece of cake.

AMY: So you’re telling me that’s all it took to line up $500 in extra income this very week?

That’s right…

And in this case, I used the trick on Amazon - but frankly there’s dozens of stocks it works really, really well on…

AMY: Let’s look at just a few of your “2-Step Trade” signals…

$630 on Shopify in a week…

$546 on Netflix…

$1,188 on Team…

Woah, a hefty 
$3,890 on Google in a week.

JACK: These types of opportunities are available - right now - as we speak.

And it’s why I’ve put the Income For Life initiative together…

To show people how to use this Wall Street tool to help radically boost their income.

And today the folks out there can claim this FREE step-by-step video blueprint so that they can start implementing this strategy in their own accounts…

Just by subscribing to my most exclusive trading service called 
“Weekly Options Profits”

This service is dedicated solely to handing over these high conviction “2-Step Trade” setups every single week.

And I’ll break it down for you… Step-by-step…

So that folks can follow along - whether you work full time, or are home during the day.

AMY: Just like Jared, one of your top students who wrote in…

“Made about $2,600 getting in and out of your Amazon [2-Step Trade] this week! Good stuff.”

So when people sign up for your service today, what exactly can they expect?

JACK: As I mentioned earlier, I’m aiming to bring on 100 new members today - from all walks of life…

Whether you’ve been investing for years, or just getting started…

Once you join today, I’ll send you my complete video series I’ve prepared that will walk you through the process of getting started…

In this video blueprint, I show you exactly how you could target your first $500 payday this week…

You’ll be watching over my shoulder as I walk you through the steps… one by one.  

AMY: Sounds like anyone could follow along…

JACK: Believe me, folks are going to be shocked at how straightforward it really is.

But I’ve done something else to make it even easier….

I’ve also put together a special report to accompany my special video series.

I call it 2-Step Trades: The Home Study Kit to Target $500 in Extra Income Each Week…

This is a detailed blueprint of my groundbreaking income technique.

With this guide in hand you can learn everything you need to start targeting extra income every week…

52 times a year.

It’s the perfect complement to my step-by-step video series.

These two work hand-in-hand to show you exactly how you target your first $500 payout…

Starting today - right now.

AMY: What kind of info will they find in this manual?

JACK: I’ll show them…

Precisely how the “2-Step Trade” works…
How to collect income up to 52 times per year — targeting at least $500 a week.
How to execute the 2-Step Trade in ANY online brokerage account with level 3 options
The risk cutting method that’s helped me keep a 97.1% success rate on over 100 trades
How to keep the income pouring in month after month so you can rely on this income for the rest of your life!

AMY: Sounds like a lot of info in there.

JACK: There is. But don’t worry…

It’s a quick read.

And in mere minutes, you’ll have more 2-Step Trade knowledge than most of the people I know…

Plus, you’ll have the tools you need to find these opportunities anytime you’d like.

Both my Income For Life step-by-step video series…

And my special report: 2-Step Trades: The Home Study Kit to Target $500 in Extra Income Each Week…are yours FREE when you join my Weekly Options Profits research service.

And here’s the best part...

In Weekly Options Profits, I’m going to give you at least one new income play each and every week — for a full year!

AMY: And your target is always the same, right? $500 a week?

JACK: That’s right.

I’ll send you one new income opportunity starting this week.

And each and every week after that, you’ll get the next trade signal without fail.

Each income alert will have clear instructions on how to place each trade.

All together… 
that’s more than 52 chances to collect $500, or more, in income each week!

AMY: So subscribers won’t have to find these weekly income opportunities by themselves?

JACK: Nope. I do all the hard work to find each income opportunity.

And if you choose, you can just follow the steps I’ll outline in every weekly alert I send you.

You’ll just read each alert and follow along…

Just like what happened recently…

November 15th…

I sent out the Weekly Options Profits income signal to my readers…

You’d instantly be able to recognize it in your inbox when it hit…

It’d look just like this… Subject line: NEW Weekly Options Profit Alert 


AMY: It’s not even close.

JACK: That’s exactly how I designed this method…

So that no other investment approach even comes close.

And if you look at where we are right now, things have never been WORSE for traditional investing…

Even after the S&P fell double digits, and the Nasdaq plunged -32% last year…

The upside potential for many of today's stocks is almost non-existent.

AMY: How do you figure?

JACK: Look, the average Price to Earnings…

This is a measurement of how overvalued the market is…

Well, even AFTER the double digit tumble last year, the S&P is STILL at nearly record highs...

AMY: Just to recap… So far today, you’ve shown us twelve trades that happened back, to back, to back.

And anyone who followed along… Well just look what happened when Friday hit.

Over, and over again…

And if you want extra cash to help pay for everyday expenses…

Or if you want to stack up on your retirement savings…

Then this “Income For Life” initiative may be perfect for you.

JACK: That’s right Amy. Today, I want to completely demystify the investing process…

I want to take a group of average Americans… People with no financial training…

And show them how straightforward it can be to target an extra $500 in income each and every week…

Whether you’re starting with $1 million in your retirement account… Or just ten grand.

Now, before we get going - I want to be very clear.

There’s nothing guaranteed in the markets… There’s no instant income magic pill…

There will be winning weeks - and losing weeks too…

But the method I’ll share today has been able to lock in some pretty handsome payouts - week after week - with a 97.1% success rate…

AMY: 97.1% success rate - that’s about as close to perfect as you can get…

And that’s on over one hundred signals, right?

JACK: That’s right. Now, I know this may sound a little crazy…

But as a former hedge fund manager and 35 year trading vet…

I can tell you that targeting an extra $500 each week is actually way easier than you might think…

Wall Street wants you to think that making money has to be complicated and time consuming…

And wait years to get a payout… But the truth is…

It only takes a few minutes and a couple clicks of the mouse to use this method…

And by just following along, I’ve been able to show dozens of folks how to make an extra $500 week after week…

I call this the “2-Step Trade”…

Because after just two steps, you can set yourself up to target $500 in extra income by the end of the week.

AMY: Jack, can you show it to us in action?

JACK: I’d love to… In fact…

In just a few minutes, I’ll place one of these “2-Step Trades” live - before your very own eyes…

…Kicking off my Income For Life initiative.

But first, take a walk with me back to the summer last year – August of 2022…

AMY: What was going on?

JACK: Well, if you were like most people last year…

You probably watched your 401k drop like a rock…

In the month of August alone, the S&P 500 slid 4% for the month

The Nasdaq was down 5%... Even the bond market was falling off a cliff.

AMY: Oh I remember, it seems like everything took a nosedive last year…

JACK: Now, let’s say someone had $10,000 invested…

That’s the amount I’ll be referring to today with every example…

In August… Folks invested in the stock market would have lost money…

AMY: They would have lost a couple hundred bucks at least…

JACK: But folks using this “2-Step Trade” would have seen a much different story…

AMY: Tell me more…

JACK: Let’s start at the beginning of the month… Week One.

Had you used this “2-Step Trade” you could have collected an extra $525 in income for the week…

AMY: I’d take it… What about the following week?

JACK: Week Two. “2-Step Trade”...

And another $525 in hard cold cash by the end of the week.

AMY: So are you profiting when the stock market goes up?

JACK: Not at all… As a matter of fact - look what came next - in week number 3.

AMY: Ooo… Looks like a tumble.

JACK: But, guess how much you could have cashed out with using my “2-Step Trade”?

AMY: Maybe $100? Since the markets fell?

JACK: Nope - another $500… $525 again to be exact.

AMY: You have to tell us… What’s going on here? Are you collecting dividends?

JACK: Nope… This isn’t a boring, slow growth dividend strategy…

In fact the returns are over 100 times better than the average dividend…

AMY: And you can use it every week?

JACK: That’s right… Just like in the fourth week of August 2022…

The S&P 500 took a plunge…

Most folks would have seen their retirement accounts lose value…

But my students had yet another chance to collect $500 bucks by the end of the week.

AMY: All in all Jack…

We’re looking at
an extra $2,100 in income just in the month of August alone…

JACK: $2,100 is a meaningful chunk of change Amy… Think about it…

Since the pandemic, the cost of living has gone skyward…

It’s out of control.

In fact, in just the last year alone, we saw the average cost of a new mortgage go from $1,427 all the way to $2,047 a month…

That’s more than a 40% increase in the monthly expense…

AMY: And it’s not like people have a lot of extra change laying around to cover the difference either…

JACK: Not unless you’re sitting on a pretty good nest egg to begin with…

But folks who would have used my “2-Step Trade” could have more than covered the cost of the average monthly mortgage…

Without having to get a second job at Walmart or Publix… Or pick up overtime hours - working late weekend nights.

AMY: And keep in mind…

That $2,100 would have come in while every major index, bonds, and even GOLD were in the toilet.

JACK: It’s those types of results that get me so excited about this new project “Income For Life” …

And in just a few minutes, I’ll show everyone tuning in right now how to target their first $500 -- as soon as this week -- with a live demonstration before your eyes…

AMY: I can’t wait… I want you to show us exactly how this works...

But first, why don’t you tell us why you’re doing this...

Because I know this Income For Life project is something close to your heart…

You and your team have been grinding away for months putting this special project together…

JACK: We have… and it’s been worth every second. Let’s face it…

Right now, millions of people are going through a really difficult time.

Rampant inflation and a hawkish Federal Reserve has really hit our economy hard…

I see it firsthand when I chat with folks at the diner and the local grocery store.

We all experienced how hard the bear market was on our portfolios…

As a matter of fact, all of the major 401k plans lost money last year…

AMY: All of them?

JACK: Every single one.

And I think about these poor people, Amy… They did everything “right.”

They worked hard… saved… contributed towards their future…

And now it’s all disappearing… And this is happening all across the world.

AMY: But won’t this problem go away once the markets recover?

JACK: Unfortunately, at this point it’s too late… The damage has already been done.

Think about it… Do you remember when the price of a cheeseburger was only $0.25?

AMY: That was a while ago, but yes…

JACK: This shouldn’t shock anyone… But we will never see that price again.

You see, with inflation prices only go up…

So, even when the rate of inflation comes back down...

The cost of living doesn’t get cheaper… The cheeseburger doesn’t come back to $0.25…

Prices normalize at that new, higher cost.

AMY: So, even when inflation stabilizes…

You’ll still need more money in the piggy bank to cover the new “normalized” cost of living?

JACK: That’s right…

And that’s why now over a quarter of Americans are saying they have to delay their retirements…

While the stock markets looked like a wave crashing down…

Folks following along with my “2-Step Trade” could have cashed out with…

…not $500…

…not $600…

But an extra $749 on Friday.

AMY: Woah - that’s a fistful of cash…

That could have covered some of the bills…

…or that’s money that could have been used to book that much needed weekend getaway with you and your spouse.

JACK: The opportunities are endless…

But we’re still not done yet.

The next week… It was another big payday. $636 by Friday.

Fast forward seven days later… and cha-ching - another $525 in the door.

AMY: Jack, all in all, that’s $2,851 for the month of September…

Five for five.

JACK: Not bad for only having to look at your brokerage a handful of times all month, right?

AMY: And with a 97.1% success rate on hundreds of these “2-Step Trades”…

If someone was… let’s say… four times as confident in your method, and wanted to invest more…

That could have been $11,404 in extra income…

Five figures in a single month…

JACK: Look, the average household has just north of $5,000 a month in expenses…

I’m talking about things like healthcare, food, transportation…

Clothing, electricity… Just the bare necessities.

Meanwhile, the average monthly income in the United States is only $4,340 a month…

Now Amy, enlighten me, how can anyone possibly live off of that?

AMY: It’s mathematically impossible…

JACK: That’s a huge income gap many folks can’t fill right now…

And it’s causing a lot of stress and anxiety.

AMY: But your Income For Life initiative can help everyday people fill that income gap… and then some.

In that one example alone, you’re looking at nearly TRIPLE what the average Joe brings in each month…

And then the second week… $636 while the stock market slid a few points for the week.

AMY: So it’s still way overvalued?

JACK: That’s right… And as you can see - there’s far more room for downside left than upside…

AMY: Just by glancing at the chart, it’s clear to see that stocks are TWICE as expensive as they were 10 years ago.

And that’s even after last year when we saw IRA’s, 401k’s lose money hand over fist…

JACK: Think about it…

Would you pay $20,000 for a car that is worth $10,000?

AMY: Probably not.

 So it’s probably not a good idea to buy Apple at $100 when it's only worth $50.

Yet every day millions of folks do and they wonder why they're not making money from the stock…

[Jack looking into main camera]  

Listen, if you’re at all worried about the markets falling further, and your nest egg drying up…

You really should be.

Whether you’re buying stocks, or even buying options, you’re playing a loser's game…

But with the “2-Step Trade” we never touch a single share…

And in bear market or bull market, it’s already shown the power to pay out $500 - on average - each and every week.

[Amy talking to Jack now]  

AMY: Just like your next week in October…

JACK: Another week, another dollar.

$525 by Friday.

AMY: It’s probably the best alternative to the dreadful stock market…

JACK: It’s always a good idea to save extra cash where you can…

But let me put it bluntly… At the beginning of this year - inflation was sitting at 6.5%

Even the BEST high yield savings accounts are only paying 3 or 4%....

That means your hard earned money…

…money that you worked 40 hours a week for AND paid taxes to Uncle Sam on…

Is STILL getting eaten up by the inflation monster.

AMY: I really feel like what’s happening to working people in this country is a huge scandal.

There really seems to be no good solution.

JACK: I totally agree. That’s not supposed to happen in America.

If you work hard and play by the rules…

You’re supposed to have a chance at a good life… NOT just struggle to survive.

And that’s why you and I are sitting here today.

I created the Income For Life initiative because I believe every hardworking American deserves to enjoy their retirement and leave a nice legacy for their family.

But folks have been getting squeezed by the rigged financial system like never before.

Today, I want to turn the tables by showing them the same powerful income technique that Wall Street has been using for decades.

So regular people can start using it to find the opportunities for the extra income… right away.

For example, check out what happened on the very next “2-Step Trade”...

In the final week of October.

During that week, a high yield savings account - at 3.5% per year would have paid $6.73

AMY: You can’t live off of $6.73 in a week, Jack.

JACK: It’s not even enough to put two gallons of gas in your car…

But with the “2-Step Trade” it would have been a completely different story…

$749 in extra cash by Friday.

That’s more than 100 times the amount of income - in the SAME amount of time, Jack.

JACK: It’s 111 times better to be exact…

And that’s what has me so jazzed up with today’s new Income For Life initiative…

You can see here, firsthand, the kind of difference this can make for anyone… retirees, folks looking to retire or even the young adults just hitting the workforce.

AMY: And in just a few moments, you’re going to show us how to set up the “2-Step Trade” for ourselves, right?

Meaning we could walk away with the chance to collect as much as $500 by the end of the week… And Income For Life?

JACK: That’s the plan…

And that’s why I told you to bring $500 today…

Because in a few minutes, folks tuning in right now could claim it.

Of course - I can’t guarantee any future results…

But I can tell you that this little known income method changed the way I trade, for life…

AMY: And the lives of many others… Like…

Alaina G. who said…

“I think it is awesome. I started with $4,000 I now have $12,000”

Richard G. who told you…

“Jack, I have been one of your VIP members for about 6 months now. Your record is 100% since I have been a member”

Or how about Alan who said he’s been using the Weekly Options Profits strategy for about two months:

“I am up $10,500 on the weekly trade” he said…

And he even sent in his brokerage screenshot to prove it…

So, Jack, tell us… How does this “2-Step Trade” work? And what’s made it so profitable?

JACK: Amy… one thing I know is the elites on Wall Street have no interest in sharing their secrets with everyday folks.

They only have one concern: Making money for themselves…

And my “2-Step Trade” at the heart of the Income For Life initiative is one of their absolute favorite strategies.

Think about Warren Buffett… Publicly he preaches about boring old “value investing”…

But privately he’s made $4.9 billion using a variation of this same technique I’m revealing today.

Financial journalists even call this tool “Warren Buffett’s Little Secret.”

And one of the biggest market makers, Citadel, made over $28 billion last year…

AMY: $28 billion? That sounds like a ton of money..

JACK: It is… In fact it helped the CEO of the fund, Ken Griffin, catapult to 40th richest person in the world.

And as you can imagine…

With this much money on the table, Wall Street’s in no hurry to let this secret get out.

Researchers for Nasdaq put it this way:

“Wall Street works very hard to keep its most powerful income strategies out of the hands of regular investors… That includes [the 2-Step Trade].”

AMY: So if folks have never been able to use this income technique before, that’s not their fault.

They’ve simply been left in the dark, while the greedy Wall Street insiders get richer, and richer…

JACK: Exactly. And I want to change that today.

AMY: I mean, why should wealthy people be the only ones with exclusive access to Wall Street’s most effective income strategy?

Shouldn’t everybody out there get a fair shot at earning extra income?

Working people shouldn’t be kept in the dark because they don’t know the “right” people or have the “right” connections.

JACK: I couldn’t agree more.

And the great thing is, this strategy allows you to target income on a regular basis.

Plus, the money gets deposited directly to your account…

Just look at the next trade… First week of November…

AMY: $525 for the week.

JACK: And then the next week rolls around…

You get the email… Take the trade if you choose…

Friday hits… And sure enough…

AMY: You did it again! $525 by the end of the week…

And by the looks of it, it didn’t matter if the stock market went down, or up…

You were able to hit your goals - just by using the weekly “2-Step Trade”

JACK: That’s exactly right…

And the opportunities just keep rolling in…

The next week…

And then again, the following week… 

AMY: That’s $2,100 after just four weeks…

I’m just sitting here imagining what the folks out there would do with an extra $2,100…

Pay off some debt? Help out their kids or grandkids? Maybe start planning the next vacation?

Those are great choices to have…

But maybe the most important thing is not having to constantly worry about having enough money all the time.

That’s a huge burden for folks.  

AMY: OK, Jack… I want to make sure I have this right…  

When people subscribe to your exclusive service Weekly Options Profits today…

They’ll get a new “2-Step Trade” each and every week…

They’ll get a video tutorial where you’ll guide folks through you entire income strategy on screen… step-by-step

Plus, you’ll also give them immediate access to your special report called 2-Step Trades: The Home Study Kit to Target $500 in Extra Income Each Week

That’s where you explain in writing the entire strategy behind the “2-Minute Trade…”

So in just a handful of pages…

They’ll instantly know how you are able to
target $500 dollars in extra income each week.

JACK: Exactly.

Once you see my videos… And read my special report…

You’ll be in total command of the “2-Step Trade.”

You’ll learn the most profitable income system I’ve ever discovered.

That’s all there is to it.

And to make sure the folks out there can start using this technique right away…

I’m also going to share a bonus video training session...

Where I’ll show case studies of these 2-Step Trades so that you can gain the kind of confidence I want you to have in your investing…

Plus, I’ll also answer a lot of the common questions about Weekly Options Profits to make sure my new students have all the info they need to understand everything and be successful.

How’s that sound, Amy?

AMY: Sounds perfect.

And just hearing from more of your top subscribers, it sounds like this is exactly what people need…

Marie K. wrote in…

“I just joined your Weekly Options. The trading modules are easy to follow and comprehensive… I have been trading for years but your package information is the best I have seen. Thank you”

Jyoti said…

“Very happy with Jack’s Weekly Options Profits. 100% profit so far in 4 months. It is a great way to grow retirement and regular accounts.”

But I need to know how much this is going to cost, Jack.

I mean, earlier you showed how you could have used this to collect $500 per week…

Or, in other examples from today, $2,851 in a month…

And even one month we saw the chance at five figures in extra income…

$11,404 after just a few weeks…

That’s a game changing amount of extra income coming in the door…

And knowing your 40 years of trading expertise…

And how hard your entire team worked on developing this project…

Well, I imagine with this level of research…

With the tutorial video series… Special 2-Step Trades instructional report… And 52 weekly income recommendations each year…

This service cannot be cheap.

I mean, if folks went to you back in your hedge fund days and wanted these types of returns, you might charge what’s known as the “2-and-20 rule.”

That means they’d charge 2% of the total money invested… plus 20% of the profits.

And the minimum investment was, let’s say $250,000 to be conservative…

And you earned them - even 25% on the year, they’d be paying $17,500 each year in management fees.

JACK: Well, I’m not going to charge anywhere near $17,500.

And for the sake of argument, at my current rate of return…

The management fees would probably be in the six figures…

But like I said, I’m looking to break down the barrier between Wall Street and Main Street.

I want to show everyday Americans the exact tools the elites use to build wealth…

Tools that they’ve never had access to before…

That’s why I’ve worked out a special deal for the folks today.

So they can forget about paying six figures…

Forget about paying even $17,500.

For the first 100 students today, they’re not going to pay half that at $8,750 a year.

Heck, I won’t even charge $5,000.

In fact, today I’ve set up a truly unique deal…

You’ll get everything you’ve seen for just $1,997.

But it’s only guaranteed for
the first 100 people who respond today, which I’ll touch on in a moment…

AMY: Let me get this straight...

If folks take you up on your offer today...

You’ll show them how to target $500 in income each week for a full year....

For just $1,997?

JACK: Yep.

Look, the “2-Step Trade” method my team and I have refined is the result of 35 years of trading expertise…

And many, many hours of research and development…

But I’ve tried to keep the cost down as much as possible so we can still keep the lights on and deliver on the promises we’ve made today.

AMY: Well, I’m just thinking about the next four trades that hit…

Over the course of - less than a month - folks could have collected…


$525 the next week…

And again, another $525…

Another week, same thing.

All together, that’s $2,100…

Had someone invested twice as much, it’s 

That’s more than enough to pay for your entire membership - in less than a month… with a couple thousand dollars left over.

JACK: I’ve had students do that before…

Actually, one of my top students, Michael C. did it in a week…

Here’s what he said:

“Got this a month ago - made tuition plus on the first trade, now I have 5 winners in a row - each over $2,000.”

AMY: What other service has the power to pay for itself just moments after joining?

And you’ll receive 52 weekly income opportunities each year…

This research at even $3,000 is a phenomenal value.

But as you said…

People are struggling now...

Paying close to 3 grand is still quite a bit of money…

Folks may not be comfortable shelling out that kind of cash…

JACK: That’s true. And I do want this tool to reach as many people as possible…

That’s why I’m going to offer 
TWO special bonuses to kick off this Income For Life initiative…

But I have to remind you, I’m only guaranteeing these special bonuses for the first 100 in the door today…

AMY: Why’s that?

JACK: I truly want this to be an experience like no other…

Thanks to stories like Michael, and so many others, I’m humbled to say that my readership has exploded…

Over 40,000 folks have started tuning into my work over the last year…

AMY: That’s a lot of people.

JACK: Now, if we accepted even 1,000 new members today…

Our customer service team would be overwhelmed and folks wouldn’t be able to get the hands-on support I want to provide with this exclusive service.

That’s why I’m only guaranteeing today’s memberships for the first 100 in the door today.

AMY: It’s first come first serve…

And you want the new members to have the one on one level of help needed to get started.

Makes total sense.

JACK: But before I open the doors on my Income For Life initiative, I have TWO special bonuses I’d like to cover…

Amy, hand me that cash…

AMY: Here you go.

JACK: You just saw me place a trade that could pay $500 by the end of the week…

As a way to “pay it forward” to you…

I want to give you this amount, right here… All $500.

Consider it your first successful “2-Step Trade”

AMY: You’re going to give new members an extra $500 off?

JACK: That’s right…

For the first 100 decisive folks today, it won’t be $1,997 for the subscription…

I’m awarding the new members with this $500 towards the membership, based on the trade I just placed, as a way to demonstrate how committed I am to your success….

And how confident I am in this “2-Step Trade.”

AMY: That’s really amazing - and with 100 spots opening today - that would be $50,000 you’re laying on the line for new members.

JACK: For me personally, it’s not about the money…

It’s about giving as many hard working people out there a chance to jump in on these repeatable opportunities that have been able to help folks collect around $500 a week…

AMY: That’s really amazing of you Jack - and woah - what a great deal!

JACK: I want the new members to have confidence today…

That’s why I’m doing this: The $500 Pay-It-Forward Bonus that you can use towards your membership today.

But I’m not stopping there…

And that brings me to the second bonus.

With the rising expenses in life, I don’t want this service to feel like another bill you have to pay each year…

I truly want this to be a service that you can use for LIFE.

That’s why as part of my Income For Life initiative, I’m waiving ALL renewal fees.

For the first 100 in the door today, it won’t be $1,497 each year…

It’ll be $1,497 - one time - for LIFETIME access.

AMY: Timeout…

You’re saying that the first 100 today will be able to access your Weekly Options Profits, the 2-Step Trades targeting $500 each week, and all the other bonuses for LIFE?

JACK: That’s right.

This initiative isn’t just about adding extra income for the next year…

Not the next two years…

But for as long as I publish these trades… Income For Life.

AMY: I’ve never heard of anything like this Jack.

So as you’ve shown us, you only need three things to start targeting this weekly income.

A brokerage account. An internet connection. Just a couple minutes of your time.

And then you’re all set to start using this technique… For LIFE?!

JACK: For years, and years to come

AMY: This truly is a win-win offer Jack…

Just imagine if you could wake up knowing that you had the ability to target an extra $500 per week…

And that’s without sitting all day in front of a computer…

Or staying awake at night worrying about another stock market crash.

Just a couple minutes of your time each week.

JACK: Like I showed you today, this radically different investing technique is extremely powerful … even if you have no financial background or investing expertise…

If you want to learn how to start targeting this type of income from the stock market each week… I need to hear from you soon…

Below us on this page, you should see a big “SUBSCRIBE NOW” button pop up…

All you have to do is click that to get started…

AMY: Keep in mind, you’re not just getting a great bargain today.

You’re also joining a nationwide initiative to give everyday Americans the income they desperately need right now…

You’ll be a part of a brand-new income-generating community that’s taking direct action to battle America’s income crisis head on.

And have a chance to be the next standout member…

Like Rich L., who has done extraordinarily well… he said…

“My record is $14,905 in 4 days. Thank you so much Jack for sharing this with the public.”

JACK: That’s an incredible story from Rich…

And with the one time $1,497 fee… I hope you can see that it’s totally worth it.

Because today, I want to focus on YOU… and your story.

Click on the blue button below to claim your spot today.

Once you do, you get immediate access to everything we covered today.

Everything you need to start targeting extra income today could be in your hands just moments from now.

…Income For Life.

AMY: There you have it, folks.

Jack, I want to thank you for coming all the way out here to kick start this brand new initiative.

I’m really excited to see how Income For Life can help the millions of folks out there who truly need it right now.

JACK: No, thank you, Amy.

It’s been an absolute pleasure.

AMY: Folks out there, click on the SUBSCRIBE NOW button below…

You’ll be taken to a separate page that will show you how you can start targeting extra income right away – starting this week.

With the $500 bonus towards your membership …

The lifetime deal…

The opportunity to take these weekly setups - 52 times a year…

And tens of thousands of new followers behind Jack’s work… I have to imagine that the spots will start filling up quickly…


That’s all you need to do.

If you hit the next page and the deal is already gone, I truly apologize.

This mission is for the people who want it the most…

The ones who see a great opportunity and capitalize.

If that’s you – I want to commend you on your decision…

And I look forward to hearing from you about where this journey takes you.

Just click the button below, and we’ll hear from you on the other side.


Trading foreign exchange, stocks, options, or futures on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade, you should carefully consider your objectives, financial situation, needs and level of experience. Classified Intelligence Brief provides general advice that does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. The content of this website must not be construed as personal advice. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposited funds and therefore, you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading on margin.You should seek advice from an independent financial advisor. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future success.

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